Back in crappy Denver...
This is a model of Coors Stadium – the home of the Colorado Rockies. Coors is a huge beer here, brewed locally in the outskirts of Denver. The model is made from Coors leftovers - bottle tops and labels. Saw this at the ESPN Zone – ESPN’s souvenir shop.

Okay, I got nothin’. No news. No pics.
Just flew in from Chicago. And boy are my arms tired {cue laughter} hah hah hah hah! Left the Big City, got home at about 9, after getting a bit lost from the airport, spent 30 minutes locked outside the apartment cos we had our locks changed and I don’t have the new keys yet. And now randomizing on the internet connecky. I know that’s loser-like since it’s Friday, and everyone’s gone to Shotgun Willies (the local “girlie” joint), but I’m fucking grumpy, and fucking tired!
We actually had comps to the Rockies game, seats right behind home plate! Even more fucking grumpy about that! And fucking broke – my cash STILL has not come through!
Anyways, it was a nice surprise to find a DSL modem on our counter. And a Cable TV decoder – but it doesn’t seem to fucking work! We’ve had enough of the fucking Spanish channels already!
This place is like the Projects, we’re surrounded by low-lifes, thugs, pimps ‘n ho’s, crack dillaz and retarded people that can't find a job. That’s why we changed our locks – had my camera nicked last week, remember? A chick in building 2 got robbed while she was home – the dude took everything she owned including her car. Fuck that!
And I can't go sleep cos I have to wait til midnight local time to phone home (8am SA time) – I miss the sound of my mommy’s voice. And whoever is lucky enough to get a call from me as well, answer the FUCKING phone!
I’m SO over this…

Okay, I got nothin’. No news. No pics.
Just flew in from Chicago. And boy are my arms tired {cue laughter} hah hah hah hah! Left the Big City, got home at about 9, after getting a bit lost from the airport, spent 30 minutes locked outside the apartment cos we had our locks changed and I don’t have the new keys yet. And now randomizing on the internet connecky. I know that’s loser-like since it’s Friday, and everyone’s gone to Shotgun Willies (the local “girlie” joint), but I’m fucking grumpy, and fucking tired!
We actually had comps to the Rockies game, seats right behind home plate! Even more fucking grumpy about that! And fucking broke – my cash STILL has not come through!
Anyways, it was a nice surprise to find a DSL modem on our counter. And a Cable TV decoder – but it doesn’t seem to fucking work! We’ve had enough of the fucking Spanish channels already!
This place is like the Projects, we’re surrounded by low-lifes, thugs, pimps ‘n ho’s, crack dillaz and retarded people that can't find a job. That’s why we changed our locks – had my camera nicked last week, remember? A chick in building 2 got robbed while she was home – the dude took everything she owned including her car. Fuck that!
And I can't go sleep cos I have to wait til midnight local time to phone home (8am SA time) – I miss the sound of my mommy’s voice. And whoever is lucky enough to get a call from me as well, answer the FUCKING phone!
I’m SO over this…
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