Go west!
We took a roadtrip to the edge of the Rockies on Sunday morn, armed with nothing but half a tank of gas, a bag of chips and drinks. No map, no money, no game plan.
We had grilling 93 degrees F (about 34 Celcius) weather, and blue skies, so we managed to get some awesome pics of the scenery. The mountains are huge, and covered with tons of pine trees.

We ended up at Buffalo Bills gravesite and museum. We thought he was an outlaw, but he was this scout turned preserver of all things good, like saving the buffalo and Native Americans... and the institution of sanctions against an oppressive Bob Mugabe, and canned lion hunting, and donates 20% of his gross annual remunuration to Green Peace (what a guy!). The museum cost us $3, and is filled with facts, photos, film and all his possessions.

Thank goodness the museum was small, cos they frikken bore the crap outta me!
Then we randomized our way to a little town called Golden – a quaint country town filled with friendly people and beautiful parks. A river runs through it (hehe), where you can kayak and super-choob. Looked really fun, but the water was frikken cold.

And wherever you go, there’s a huge motorbike culture. Golden is Harley town. And you don’t have to wear helmets – it just makes bike riding SO much cooler and hardcore!

But, thurr’s a trailer park hurr, filled wit’ real trailer trash. And they live thurr permanent. Like it says, “Our lil house”.

We’re planning to hit the mountains regularly, especially before it snows. Hopefully we can drive up to one of the higher mountain peaks soon. So watch this space… okay lekker bru, shhweet!
We had grilling 93 degrees F (about 34 Celcius) weather, and blue skies, so we managed to get some awesome pics of the scenery. The mountains are huge, and covered with tons of pine trees.

We ended up at Buffalo Bills gravesite and museum. We thought he was an outlaw, but he was this scout turned preserver of all things good, like saving the buffalo and Native Americans... and the institution of sanctions against an oppressive Bob Mugabe, and canned lion hunting, and donates 20% of his gross annual remunuration to Green Peace (what a guy!). The museum cost us $3, and is filled with facts, photos, film and all his possessions.

Thank goodness the museum was small, cos they frikken bore the crap outta me!
Then we randomized our way to a little town called Golden – a quaint country town filled with friendly people and beautiful parks. A river runs through it (hehe), where you can kayak and super-choob. Looked really fun, but the water was frikken cold.

And wherever you go, there’s a huge motorbike culture. Golden is Harley town. And you don’t have to wear helmets – it just makes bike riding SO much cooler and hardcore!

But, thurr’s a trailer park hurr, filled wit’ real trailer trash. And they live thurr permanent. Like it says, “Our lil house”.

We’re planning to hit the mountains regularly, especially before it snows. Hopefully we can drive up to one of the higher mountain peaks soon. So watch this space… okay lekker bru, shhweet!
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