Prepare to meet Bubba

After getting robbed, I didn't have much hope for the poh-lice to do anything about it. Seriously, I didn't even bother to report the break-in to the police, I mean, back home you only do it for insurance purposes right? Then again, this is America, and the cops actually do their jobs. And big up to the news crews too. And the biggest big up to Heather.
They actually caught the fucker that broke into our apartments.
If you can't read it, they caught 19 year old ANTHONY HINES after he was stopped for a traffic violation by campus police at one of the local universities. What a FUCK! How useless do you have to be to get bust by CAMPUS POLICE!! It turned out he was in a stolen car, and then the police linked him to over two dozen burglaries at our apartments.
I wonder if I can go claim my camera back - "Check the pics, I'm the guy in the middle of the lezbo pretzel alongside the pool. Can't you recognise my eyes through the gimp mask?"
Anthony, don't forget the super loob and anal tampons to stop the anal leakage. You STUPID FUCK!!!
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