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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Ballin', shot callin'

We checked out a Raptors game last night - The Atlanta Hawks were in town. They are like two of the worst teams in the league, the Raptors record is something like 7 and 21 I think, and the Hawks aren't far off.

And yet 18000+ fans still packed the stadium - we got half cheap seats (C$52) and so sat far up, but still had a good view of the court.

We were told to not expect any fireworks from the team cos they're REALLY kak, but they had a half decent game, and actually beat the Hawks. It was only their second win at home this season. And they broke 100 points which meant free chow from Pizza Pizza, one of Toronto's local take-out joints.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

CN Tower?

We planned to check out the CN Tower, the tallest free-standing tower in the world.
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But as you can see, the viz was at zero metres, hardly worth the C$30 entrance...

Niagara Falls

We drove off to the Niagara falls yesterday, which is an hour's drive from Toronto. So I pictured the Falls to be within some sort of a national park, with tons of pine trees and deer and shit. What a surprise. The falls are smack bang in the city centre of the town of Niagara Falls, Ontario - the cheesiest city after Vegas. Tons of cheap casinos and flashy lights, themed restaurants and crap... but a nice experience after all.

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And then we went to the banquet of all banquets back in Toronto's Chinatown - prawns, crab, all kinds of meats and fancy delicacies.
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Two shopping days since Christmas

Boxing day must be one of the biggest shopping days ever, where everything is up to 70% off! Holy crap - I reckon I spent more in the two days after Christmas than I spent while in Denver.

The cool thing about not seeing everyone til Jan is that I can buy all my Christmas presents on discount. Two pairs of sneakers, lots of clothes. Thank God no more fragrances... oh, and ANOTHER frikken golf bag! But a real pimp one!

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Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

So to the in-laws we went for Christmas day. If I thought we had a banquet back home, holy crap was I in for a surprise. First it was Christmas lunch, about six or seven courses. And don't forget about desert and tea. Then it was time for presents. And then off to another auntie for dinner. About a dozen different dishes, chicken, duck, turkey, sushi and lots more. And more desert. I was suffering from some hectic eat exhaustion last night...

And we finally had a white Christmas - huge slushy snowflakes began falling at night. So we had our first real snowball fight with decently packed snowballs that you could throw with decent speed and do some SERIOUS damage with - nothing like the crappy fluffy shit that falls in Denver!

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Anyways, hope you guys had a good and safe Christmas and ate yourselves broken, and got lots of prezzies. Wherever you are for New Years, keep it safe, keep it real and keep it in your pants. And if you don't, keep it wrapped up! Over and out!

At home in Toronto

Who knew that I'd feel so "at home" in Toronto?

Been chilling with the fam, eating food that reminds me of home, and groceries all the way from SA.

There's this shop that sells Safrican stuff, check it - biltong and boerie rolls (called Farmer's Sausage), Appletiser (now that's what I'm tokkin about), pilchards (???), Ouma rusks and Chappies and Wicks bubblegum. Oh, and Mrs Balls chutney (hmmm).

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And I've never seen so many Chinese people, outside of China itself, even more than Vegas. This is probably the first time I've sworn at someone in Cantonese and they frikken understood, and then swore back doubly harsh and doubly quick! Funny...!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Welcome to Canada, eh?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com When I got here in August, my first priority was to take advantage of the chance to see some fam and friends that are living here. I cracked the nod to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for Thanksgiving at my cuz, but expensive flights, Hurricane Katrina and the call of Vegas put an end to that. Second invite was to go north of the border to visit my cousin Desiree (Gutch) and her hubby, Glenn, in Canad-I-A - Toronto, Ontario.

So after weeks of planning and issues with getting my passport and visa back from the fucking Canadian consulate, I was good to go. My boet in London had similar issues, only double as he had to get both American and Canadian visas.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com So we fly tomorrow morn at 11.30 on Air Canada, arrive in freezing Toronto at 4.30pm. I've been monitoring the temps, they're averaging a wild 1 Celsius max! But that guarantees a White Christmas. If I thought Denver was cold...

We've got tons on the itinerary - shopping on Boxing Day (priority one), a Raptors game, visits to Toronto's sights and sounds, dining out and hopefully a club or two. And the local strip club, bookings have been made already!

Should be a cool 10 days of destroying someone else's country, and a nice break from my slit-your-wrist-again work...

Two more shopping days before Christmas

Me, my boet and I are off to Canandia for the holidays tomorrow - Toronto, Ontario to be exact. I was planning to do all my Christmas shopping after Christmas when there are all the crazy-mad sales giving everything away for free, but we had to get some prezzies.

The goods, courtesy Foley's - the best department store ever. EVER!
1 x Hugo Boss Deep Red perfume gift pack
1 x Phillips electric razor
1 x Fuji Finepix Z1 digital camera 5.1MP
1 x Fossil watch for ladies
1 x Calvin Klein 5-piece perfume set for ladies
1 x Calvin Klein 5-piece cologne set for gents
1 x Aqua di Gio cologne gift pack

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Don't you wish you invited us for Christmas? Rox, Judgey-Poo, jealous?

Self service toll booth

So I drove all the way south down the I-25 to get to a client, so far south that I had to go through a toll gate. So I see the signs are like 50c per car. Cool, nothing hectic. Then I see exact change only. Crap. And then when I got there, it's a self service booth where you gotta throw your quarters into the bucket. I bet a lotta chicks miss - you could probably make a good living off picking quaters up from the road!

Anyway, so I didn't have the exact change - the sign says: Failure to pay may result in a fine of $250.

What to do?

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Christmas wishes from SA

So my (our) mommy sent us a Christmas card, all the way from sunny Safrica! How sweet. Not one for many words though...

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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Scrapin' in Loveland

We went skiing today out in the high country at Loveland ski resort, about 90 minutes west of Denver. We actually didn't have much intention to ski since last night was quite a biggie, but we thought we may as well if we went all that way.

We stopped off at this dodgy small town called Georgetown, where we fucked around on this huge frozen lake - about a foot of ice on the top. We chilled with the local ice fisherman, and watched as they pulled out small trout that almost freeze when they get pulled out the water. It was a mild -10 Celsius!

Then off to Loveland, where we rented boards and boots and hit the kiddies slopes for two hours. Hell that's fun! Daz and I both got the hang of it quite quickly, so come Toronto, we're gonna fuck that place up SSX Tricky-style!

But it was so insanely cold that our cameras stopped working, can you believe it. Oh, and I tried beef jerky for the first time. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, it's just not as good as biltong!

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Let me entertain you

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Can't wait til we see Robbie Williams in April.

All about the Benjamins

So Daz has been earning some serious pounds in London town. Who knew working at Starbucks could be that lucrative? Seriously, he works at Starbucks. Okay so that's not the whole story, he's the trade analyst for the entire British region. So he knows his coffee... holy crap, did he arrive with some bling...
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News from one fucked up weekend

So who knew that an analized corporate could throw such a half-DESHTROYER Christmas party... 'scuse me, holiday party. It's un-PC to say Christmas party, or merry Christmas. You gotta wish people "Happy Holidays".

Daz joined me as my "life partner" as me pimped our way through to the Blue Crane Grill (something like that?). Even more awesome was we met a latest Safrican to be sent to the living hell that is the Denver office. Lubz, if only you knew... Wonder if he knew he'd be the only Black dude in whiter-than-Switzerland Denver?

The P.I.M.Ps - Lubz, Dawg and Daz. And all the Safricans - we were like a display for everyone to see, and naturally, the life of the partizay!
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And as you know, when I'm with my work friends the REAL Dari Dawg comes out - shot the Jaggie with my manager.
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Nina grindin' on the dancefloor. She's from Tennesseeeeee. And she fine! Then Sean and one of the other managers, reminds me of a certain Miss J-Poo for some reason!
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Daz and Lubz shootin' shit! So this restaurant was filled with dead shit. Check the grizzly.
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I was really reluctant to go tonight, but certainly glad I did. It was a little reserved, nothing compared to our office parties back home, that's for sure. At midnight, the lights came on, the place closed and we were kicked the fuck out onto the cold-asses pavement.

It snowed for most of the night so I decided to kap a couple 360s in the parking lock... Listen to the ding ding dinging - that's the warning that the handbrake is up. No shit, how else you gonna kap a handbrake turn?!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Howler of the century

So we all know that Americans are quite clueless when it comes to anything outside of the borders - basically that they are the world, right? I mean, the weather on the local news is longer than the international news. And they have like four live crossings during the news hour to people reporting the weather on the street. Saddam Hussein's trial. Yah right, like that gets any airplay!

Anyways, so we've always had some laughs when we tell people we're from South Africa cos we gets some awesome schoopid replies. So here's the Top 5 dof replies.

5. Which country in South Africa are you from exactly? (Well, I could let that one slide...)
4. Cool, you should meet Obu, he's from Nigeria, you should get along well. (Yeah, if I need a fix!).
3. I thought everyone in Africa was Black. You don't look Black. (Don't I? But I'm Black on the inside, aaaight?)
2. Is it really hot there, being on the Equator and all? (Yip, which explains why we're all Black).

And the Number 1 fucking dof thing ever said {drumroll please}:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com Clerk: So where you from?
Me: South Africa.
Clerk: Cool. Where abouts in South Africa, the IVORY COAST?
Me: The IVORY WHAT??? WTF? Do you even understand what you're saying? That's a whole fucking different country, 10,000 kays north!!! Jeeez!

Gotta laugh though at their naive-ness.