So we all know that Americans are quite clueless when it comes to anything outside of the borders - basically that they are the world, right? I mean, the weather on the local news is longer than the international news. And they have like four live crossings during the news hour to people reporting the weather on the street. Saddam Hussein's trial. Yah right, like that gets any airplay!
Anyways, so we've always had some laughs when we tell people we're from South Africa cos we gets some awesome schoopid replies. So here's the Top 5 dof replies.
5. Which country in South Africa are you from exactly? (Well, I could let that one slide...)
4. Cool, you should meet Obu, he's from Nigeria, you should get along well. (Yeah, if I need a fix!).
3. I thought everyone in Africa was Black. You don't look Black. (Don't I? But I'm Black on the inside, aaaight?)
2. Is it really hot there, being on the Equator and all? (Yip, which explains why we're all Black).
And the Number 1 fucking dof thing ever said {drumroll please}:

Clerk: So where you from?
Me: South Africa.
Clerk: Cool. Where abouts in South Africa, the IVORY COAST?
Me: The IVORY WHAT??? WTF? Do you even understand what you're saying? That's a whole fucking different country, 10,000 kays north!!! Jeeez!
Gotta laugh though at their naive-ness.