News from one fucked up weekend
So who knew that an analized corporate could throw such a half-DESHTROYER Christmas party... 'scuse me, holiday party. It's un-PC to say Christmas party, or merry Christmas. You gotta wish people "Happy Holidays".
Daz joined me as my "life partner" as me pimped our way through to the Blue Crane Grill (something like that?). Even more awesome was we met a latest Safrican to be sent to the living hell that is the Denver office. Lubz, if only you knew... Wonder if he knew he'd be the only Black dude in whiter-than-Switzerland Denver?
The P.I.M.Ps - Lubz, Dawg and Daz. And all the Safricans - we were like a display for everyone to see, and naturally, the life of the partizay!

And as you know, when I'm with my work friends the REAL Dari Dawg comes out - shot the Jaggie with my manager.

Nina grindin' on the dancefloor. She's from Tennesseeeeee. And she fine! Then Sean and one of the other managers, reminds me of a certain Miss J-Poo for some reason!

Daz and Lubz shootin' shit! So this restaurant was filled with dead shit. Check the grizzly.

I was really reluctant to go tonight, but certainly glad I did. It was a little reserved, nothing compared to our office parties back home, that's for sure. At midnight, the lights came on, the place closed and we were kicked the fuck out onto the cold-asses pavement.
It snowed for most of the night so I decided to kap a couple 360s in the parking lock... Listen to the ding ding dinging - that's the warning that the handbrake is up. No shit, how else you gonna kap a handbrake turn?!
Daz joined me as my "life partner" as me pimped our way through to the Blue Crane Grill (something like that?). Even more awesome was we met a latest Safrican to be sent to the living hell that is the Denver office. Lubz, if only you knew... Wonder if he knew he'd be the only Black dude in whiter-than-Switzerland Denver?
The P.I.M.Ps - Lubz, Dawg and Daz. And all the Safricans - we were like a display for everyone to see, and naturally, the life of the partizay!

And as you know, when I'm with my work friends the REAL Dari Dawg comes out - shot the Jaggie with my manager.

Nina grindin' on the dancefloor. She's from Tennesseeeeee. And she fine! Then Sean and one of the other managers, reminds me of a certain Miss J-Poo for some reason!

Daz and Lubz shootin' shit! So this restaurant was filled with dead shit. Check the grizzly.

I was really reluctant to go tonight, but certainly glad I did. It was a little reserved, nothing compared to our office parties back home, that's for sure. At midnight, the lights came on, the place closed and we were kicked the fuck out onto the cold-asses pavement.
It snowed for most of the night so I decided to kap a couple 360s in the parking lock... Listen to the ding ding dinging - that's the warning that the handbrake is up. No shit, how else you gonna kap a handbrake turn?!
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