Farewell gifts
Surprisingly, two of my doosest ex-bestfriends bought me "fuck off to the States already" gifts. One really cool, one, well, cool in other ways - it's the thought that counts, ain't it?
Co-Chump G-G-G-Uniiit bought me a scarf. That's quite gay by the way, then again, it's a Bok scarf, so that's a little less gay. I'm all for flying the flag, so I'll be wearing it on the Tri-Nations Saturday when we break them Kiwi fuckers. I'll try ignore the fact that its like 90 over here (over 30 degrees C!).
Won't watch the game though, unfortunately ESPN coverage isn't THAT wide, despite there being about a dozen ESPN channels. Wonder if there's ESPN 8 - The Ocho (if you can dodge the tax man, you can dodge a ball!) Sorry, private joke - I've been working for 4 days now, and already having tax issues with the IRS!!!
Shot dude, really cool, but not as cool as the pink cowboy hat, though!
And just as I left for the airport, Judgey-Poo handed me a gift bag (with a tear in his eye might I add). Contents? Blistex - ULTRA PROTECTION. I've never even heard of the stuff, and was so informed that this is a "use in case of emergency" type oitment, to be used on oral and/or genital blisters that I have, I mean, blisters that I may potentially acquire. Well, er, thanks buddy! Glad to see you care!

Dude, won't you fedex me another tube, I finished it on the flight over here. I, um, had like an allergic reaction to the, uh... um... scrambled eggs, yes, scrambled eggs on the flight!
Co-Chump G-G-G-Uniiit bought me a scarf. That's quite gay by the way, then again, it's a Bok scarf, so that's a little less gay. I'm all for flying the flag, so I'll be wearing it on the Tri-Nations Saturday when we break them Kiwi fuckers. I'll try ignore the fact that its like 90 over here (over 30 degrees C!).
Won't watch the game though, unfortunately ESPN coverage isn't THAT wide, despite there being about a dozen ESPN channels. Wonder if there's ESPN 8 - The Ocho (if you can dodge the tax man, you can dodge a ball!) Sorry, private joke - I've been working for 4 days now, and already having tax issues with the IRS!!!
Shot dude, really cool, but not as cool as the pink cowboy hat, though!
And just as I left for the airport, Judgey-Poo handed me a gift bag (with a tear in his eye might I add). Contents? Blistex - ULTRA PROTECTION. I've never even heard of the stuff, and was so informed that this is a "use in case of emergency" type oitment, to be used on oral and/or genital blisters that I have, I mean, blisters that I may potentially acquire. Well, er, thanks buddy! Glad to see you care!

Dude, won't you fedex me another tube, I finished it on the flight over here. I, um, had like an allergic reaction to the, uh... um... scrambled eggs, yes, scrambled eggs on the flight!
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