America or bust

This is MY blog. That I own. About Dari Dawg. And my 6 months of work in the US of A.
The office has shipped me off States-side for 6 months. Yes, my random 9-to-fiver has seen some hope for me... all those late evenings at the office spent blogging, I think they reckon I was just a hard worker. SUCKERS! I depart, 'scuse me, fuck off to Denver, Colorado this coming Saturday, 20 August 2005. Returning Feb '06. With tons of electronics, clothes, colognes and a thick, loud and nasal Yank'cent (subtitles not included!).
I actually wish I was already there cos the abuse has been unbearable. Wezzo, G, Judge and Pot, I am finally fucking off, hopefully stay there, and I'll be outta your hair forever!
But fear not, I will still be randomising on Chump, my weekly "News from one fucked up weekend" will still exist, just with an American-twang on thangs! Hopefully someone will take over the original "News" and take pics from the Tiger nights out, scoring random belters, hair-sniffing and electric-boogaloo'ing. Oh, and arguing with the metro pigs on Rivonia Road!
So here's to the land of the free and the home of the brave...
This is my story. And I'm sticking to it!
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