Take me down to the ballgame
It's the closing series for the season for Denver's Colorado Rockies. So off I trundled to the game on Saturday night - I bought scalped tickets for $20 (normal price $38), along the first-base line behind the dugout. The Rockies were playing the San Francisco Giants.
If you watch ESPN, you would know that baseball games are quite boring, but there is tons of fun 'n games to keep the crowd entertained - everybody sings and claps with the organ that plays in between innings, they have tons of competitions for fans, like catching fly balls in the outfield, sprint around the bases etc. And then there's the whole fight for balls that land in the crowd thing which is real fun. We had a broken bat play, where the bat landed 10 rows in front of me. It knocked some chick the fugout! It's just like sixes in cricket back home - it's always gonna hit a bored chick! Such excitement!
I was there to see Barry Bonds, the Giants' homerun pimp, and so opposing fans hate him - you should hear the booing from the crowd! He needed to hit a couple homers to break some record, but couldn't even get on base.
After the 7th inning(s), they make everyone stand up for the "7th inning stretch", where they make you stretch your legs, and then sing "Take me down to the ballgame". Quite fun, if only I knew the words...
The Rockies chowed the Giants six duck, so the home fans were happy and, to my disppointment, no burning of chairs and throwing of anything.

I just had to. Baseball means hotdogs, and peanuts. And $10 (!!!) later, I was getting the full ballgame experience. The place is littered with peanuts shells, and so are you - everybody has shells and stuff on their shirts, it's quite funny.

This is the mascot Dinger the Dinosaur. He 'jacked this chick selling candyfloss (cotton candy), and started throwing the packets into the crowd, that was even funnier! Camera battery was flat so no pics unfortunately.

Update: it now reads Giants, Anon. Happy?
If you watch ESPN, you would know that baseball games are quite boring, but there is tons of fun 'n games to keep the crowd entertained - everybody sings and claps with the organ that plays in between innings, they have tons of competitions for fans, like catching fly balls in the outfield, sprint around the bases etc. And then there's the whole fight for balls that land in the crowd thing which is real fun. We had a broken bat play, where the bat landed 10 rows in front of me. It knocked some chick the fugout! It's just like sixes in cricket back home - it's always gonna hit a bored chick! Such excitement!
I was there to see Barry Bonds, the Giants' homerun pimp, and so opposing fans hate him - you should hear the booing from the crowd! He needed to hit a couple homers to break some record, but couldn't even get on base.
After the 7th inning(s), they make everyone stand up for the "7th inning stretch", where they make you stretch your legs, and then sing "Take me down to the ballgame". Quite fun, if only I knew the words...
The Rockies chowed the Giants six duck, so the home fans were happy and, to my disppointment, no burning of chairs and throwing of anything.

I just had to. Baseball means hotdogs, and peanuts. And $10 (!!!) later, I was getting the full ballgame experience. The place is littered with peanuts shells, and so are you - everybody has shells and stuff on their shirts, it's quite funny.

This is the mascot Dinger the Dinosaur. He 'jacked this chick selling candyfloss (cotton candy), and started throwing the packets into the crowd, that was even funnier! Camera battery was flat so no pics unfortunately.

Update: it now reads Giants, Anon. Happy?
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