One down, five to go

But it's been bitter-sweet. Some good, some bad, some randomness...
Week one was filled with the excitement of being in the big country, week two was the awesomeness of Chicago, week three was also Chicago, but that following weekend I was over this... got a bit depro over various things - being by myself stuck in a hotel, lost my camera and got a bit homesick. Week four I was back in Denver, thankfully my spirits back on track -some serious retail therapy doing the trick.
So another five months are on the cards... or maybe less? Or maybe more (shudder!). For now, my target is Feb 10 - work end date (and my birthday).
Alas, an email went out from the big cheese in Dallas saying that we might finish here earlier if there's no more client work. Cool, I said, more holiday time. On the other hand, a director and manager (separately) in Denver *joked* about us staying a little longer. How long? Another six months, maybe two years, maybe we get you a green card and you never leave these shores again. But they were *joking*... ha ha, funny one. Remind me to laugh.
But overall, it's been good. The amount of stuff we've seen, the travelling, the shopping. The bad? The long hours, not knowing too many people, and being out of my element a lot of the time. But it can only get better, right?
PS I got a promotion. But in SA. Here, I'm still the same old lowly no one! Still someone else's bitch!
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